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Cosenza - Italy, 18/02/2013. Today, Pierluigi Bersani (Secretary of the Democratic Party - PD, the main center-left political party in Italy) gave a speech for his electoral campaign. Bersani is running for Prime Minister in the forthcoming Italian Political Election (24/25 February 2013) for a center-left coalition. Previously he was Minister of Industry, Commerce and Craftmanship (1996-1999), Minister of Transport (1999-2001), and Minister of Economic Development (2006-2008).
Cosenza - Italy, 18/02/2013. Today, Pierluigi Bersani (Secretary of the Democratic Party - PD, the main center-left political party in Italy) gave a speech for his electoral campaign. Bersani is running for Prime Minister in the forthcoming Italian Political Election (24/25 February 2013) for a center-left coalition. Previously he was Minister of Industry, Commerce and Craftmanship (1996-1999), Minister of Transport (1999-2001), and Minister of Economic Development (2006-2008).