Rome, 01/02/2018. Today, to mark the 50th Anniversary of the occupation of the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" - event which started and led to the occupations of all Italian Universities - the magazine MicroMega ("Political, cultural, social and economic news magazine published bimonthly in Rome" - Source, hosted two debates in "Aula 1" to present its recently...
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Rome, 01/02/2018. Today, to mark the 50th Anniversary of the occupation of the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" - event which started and led to the occupations of all Italian Universities - the magazine MicroMega ("Political, cultural, social and economic news magazine published bimonthly in Rome" - Source, hosted two debates in "Aula 1" to present its recently published two books about the 1968 (In Italian "Sessantotto") in Italy.
The second debate was hosted by Luciana Castellina (Journalist, Politician, Political Activist, Author and one of the founder of the newspaper "il Manifesto"), Alex Zanotelli (Member of the Combonian missionaries in Verona, and founder of Italian movements whose goals include social harmony and equality -, Carlo Verdone (Actor, Screenwriter and Film Director -, Paolo Mieli (Journalist, former member of "Potere Operaio" and former Editor of the "Corriere della Sera" - Unfortunately, Andrea Camilleri (Writer, Author, former Academy of Dramatic Arts' chair of Film Direction, Creator of the renewed fictional character Inspector Montalbano - wasn't able to attend the event. Chair of the event was Paolo Flores d'Arcais (Philosopher, Journalist, Former member of "FGCI" and "Quarta Internazionale Trotskista", Editor of the magazine MicroMega -
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For a video of the event please click here: (Second Debate)
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