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London, 08/03/2016. Today, to mark the International Women's Day 2016 "Women for Refugee Women" held a demonstration outside the British Home Office. From the organisers Facebook page: <<[…] Women for Refugee Women will gather outside the Home Office to send a message of "Set Her Free" and "Refugees Welcome" - with performances by Lips Choir, Gaggle, Sula Mae, Sabrina Mahfouz, Demi Mseleku, Nyakaza (Move) African Dancers, Sajeela Kershi, and The London Klezmer Quartet, plus speakers including: Meltem Avcil (ex child detainee and Set Her Free campaigner), Rahela Sidiqi and Jade Amoli-Jackson (London Refugee Women's Forum), Zrinka Bralo (Migrants Organise), Caroline Lucas MP (Green Party), Sophie Walker (Women's Equality Party), and a member of Women Asylum Seekers Together (WAST) London>>.<br />
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London, 08/03/2016. Today, to mark the International Women's Day 2016 "Women for Refugee Women" held a demonstration outside the British Home Office. From the organisers Facebook page: <<[…] Women for Refugee Women will gather outside the Home Office to send a message of "Set Her Free" and "Refugees Welcome" - with performances by Lips Choir, Gaggle, Sula Mae, Sabrina Mahfouz, Demi Mseleku, Nyakaza (Move) African Dancers, Sajeela Kershi, and The...
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