London, 12/09/2014. Today, "Stop TTIP Campaign" and other activist organizations held a demonstration outside the BIS (British Department of Business, Innovation and Skills) to protest against TTIP and one of its clause called ISDS. From the organisers press release: <<the TTIP is the US/EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (called TAFTA - Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement in the US) is a 'free trade' agreement between the world two biggest economies, being...
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London, 12/09/2014. Today, "Stop TTIP Campaign" and other activist organizations held a demonstration outside the BIS (British Department of Business, Innovation and Skills) to protest against TTIP and one of its clause called ISDS. From the organisers press release: <<the TTIP is the US/EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (called TAFTA - Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement in the US) is a 'free trade' agreement between the world two biggest economies, being negotiated now. However TTIP is not about trade. It is in fact a corporate coup that will take us to a 'corporatocracy', a corporate-run world. […] The ISDS [Investor-to-state Dispute Settlement] is a clause in the Transpacific Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) that will effectively hand the power to control UK legislation over to private corporations. The European Commission knows that ISDS is up against massive opposition from civil society. […]>>.
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