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Federico, Magistrate and National Anti-mafia Prosecutor. <br />
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Rome, 01/05/2019. This year I will not go to a MayDay Parade, I will not photograph Red flags, trade unionists, activists, thousands of members of the public marching, celebrating, chanting, fighting, marking the International Worker's Day. This year, I decided to show some of the Workers I had the chance to meet and document while at Work. This Story is dedicated to all the people who work, to all the People who are struggling to find a job, to the underpaid, to the exploited, and to the people who work in slave conditions, another way is really possible, and it is not the usual meaningless slogan: MAKE MAYDAY EVERYDAY!<br />
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Happy International Workers Day, long live MayDay!
Federico, Magistrate and National Anti-mafia Prosecutor.

Rome, 01/05/2019. This year I will not go to a MayDay Parade, I will not photograph Red flags, trade unionists, activists, thousands of members of the public marching, celebrating, chanting, fighting, marking the International Worker's Day. This year, I decided to show some of the Workers I had the chance to meet and document while at Work. This Story is dedicated to all the people who work, to all the People who are...
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