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Bedford (Bedfordshire, England), 08/08/2015. Today, hundreds of protesters, activist and member of the public gathered outside the notorious Yarl's Wood I.R.C. Immigration Removal Centre in Bedfordshire, to protest against the alleged inhuman conditions of the detainees (showed in a recent Channel 4 undercover investigation - and to call for its immediate closure. <<Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre is a detention centre for foreign nationals prior to their deportation from the United Kingdom, one of 13 such centres currently in the UK. It is located near Milton Ernest in Bedfordshire, England, and is operated by Serco (British outsourcing company based in Hook, Hampshire. It operates public and private transport and traffic control, aviation, military weapons, detention centres, prisons and schools on behalf of its customers – Source, who describe the place as "a fully contained residential centre housing adult women and adult family groups awaiting immigration clearance."[3] Its population is, and has been, overwhelmingly female. […] >> (Source – at<br />
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Bedford (Bedfordshire, England), 08/08/2015. Today, hundreds of protesters, activist and member of the public gathered outside the notorious Yarl's Wood I.R.C. Immigration Removal Centre in Bedfordshire, to protest against the alleged inhuman conditions of the detainees (showed in a recent Channel 4 undercover investigation - and to call for its immediate closure. <<Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre is a detention centre for foreign nationals prior to their...
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