Riccardo Magi MP (Radicali Italiani).
Rome, 09/05/2019. Today, marking the "Europe Day", NIBI: Neri Italiani - Black Italians – supported by other organizations - held a demonstration outside the Italian Parliament to call the coalition Government (Lega - Movimento 5 Stelle / League - 5 Star Movement) to finally make the long awaited law which will give the Italian Citizenship to the children who are born and grown up in Italy (once called "Ius Soli"...
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Riccardo Magi MP (Radicali Italiani).
Rome, 09/05/2019. Today, marking the "Europe Day", NIBI: Neri Italiani - Black Italians – supported by other organizations - held a demonstration outside the Italian Parliament to call the coalition Government (Lega - Movimento 5 Stelle / League - 5 Star Movement) to finally make the long awaited law which will give the Italian Citizenship to the children who are born and grown up in Italy (once called "Ius Soli" Law). From the organisers Facebook event page: <<[...] We would like a citizenship law for the children who grew up here who experience bureaucratic discrimination starting from compulsory education. Not recognizing citizenship to those who were born or raised in our country with different origins, means denying reality: that Italy has always been a multicultural country where the deep-rooted national and local identity must dialogue with a variety of different cultures within a set of shared values. Once again it is as if that million Italians who see a fundamental right denied, count for nothing. While the recognition of that right would fully embody the precept of our Constitution which establishes both the task of the Republic to remove the obstacles that effectively limit the freedom and equality of citizens, and prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social organization of the country. In fact The principle of formal and substantial equality defined in # art3 of the Constitution requires that the principles and values contained therein are effective and that the State must be guarantor [...]>>.
Footnotes and Links:
http://bit.do/eR282 (Source, Repubblica.it)
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