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Stella Tsantekidou (EU Student and Queen Mary University of London Graduate).<br />
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London, 13/03/2017. Today, NUS International Students' Campaign, The People's Assembly Against Austerity and Momentum held a rally in Parliament Square calling the British Parliament to "guarantee the rights of EU nationals to remain in the UK and not use them as bargaining chips in the Brexit negotiations". From the organiser Facebook event page: <<This Monday, the Commons will vote on a Labour amendment to the Article 50 bill to guarantee the right of EU citizens to remain in the UK post-Brexit. We must show our support as this important issue goes back to the Commons. […] the government must guarantee the rights of EU nationals to remain in the UK and not use them as bargaining chips in the Brexit negotiations. The demo is being supported by Right to Remain and Migrants' Rights Network […]>>. UPDATE (Source, at - <<[…] 10:13PM - Brexit Bill passes. The final amendment to the Brexit Bill has passed 118 votes to 274. It means the Notification of Withdrawal Bill has officially cleared Parliament and Theresa May is free to trigger Article 50. It now needs royal assent, which means the Bill requires the Queen's approval […]>>.<br />
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Stella Tsantekidou (EU Student and Queen Mary University of London Graduate).

London, 13/03/2017. Today, NUS International Students' Campaign, The People's Assembly Against Austerity and Momentum held a rally in Parliament Square calling the British Parliament to "guarantee the rights of EU nationals to remain in the UK and not use them as bargaining chips in the Brexit negotiations". From the organiser Facebook event page: <<This Monday, the Commons will vote...
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