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UAF.<br />
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Jeremy Corbyn MP (British Labour Member of Parliament for Islington North).<br />
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London, 27/05/2013. Today, the EDL (English Defence League) held a demonstration in Whitehall in response to the murder of the soldier Drummer Lee Rigby committed in Woolwich Wednesday the 22nd. A smaller group of UAF (Unite Against Fascism) held a separate demonstration to oppose the EDL. The heavy police presence kept the two sides apart. 13 people were arrested for public order offences.

Jeremy Corbyn MP (British Labour Member of Parliament for Islington North).

London, 27/05/2013. Today, the EDL (English Defence League) held a demonstration in Whitehall in response to the murder of the soldier Drummer Lee Rigby committed in Woolwich Wednesday the 22nd. A smaller group of UAF (Unite Against Fascism) held a separate demonstration to oppose the EDL. The heavy police presence kept the two sides apart. 13 people were arrested for public order...
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