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John Rees (British political activist, broadcaster, writer, national officer of the Stop the War Coalition, People's Assembly and founding member of Counterfire).<br />
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London, 12/11/2014. Today, an "emergency meeting" was called in Tower Hamlets to discuss the ongoing dispute between the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Erick Pickles (Conservative Member of Parliament for Brentwood) and the twice elected Mayor of Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman. Less than 2 weeks ago Pickles defined Tower Hamlets as a <<rotten borough>> and <<told the Commons that Rahman had dispensed public money like a "medieval monarch" and oversaw an administration that was "at best dysfunctional, at worst riddled with cronyism and corruption">> (source the Guardian So the Communities Secretary decided to take over the administration of the East London council for the next two years actually commissioning the Council. From the press release of the organisers of the meeting: <<Eric Pickles this week ordered his attack dogs into Tower Hamlets despite his own report finding no evidence of fraud and corruption. His councils and government are ridden with corruption- it's not fairness he cares about but undermining our community. The Tories hate Tower Hamlets because it stood alone in putting residents before big business and funding our future>>.<br />
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John Rees (British political activist, broadcaster, writer, national officer of the Stop the War Coalition, People's Assembly and founding member of Counterfire).

London, 12/11/2014. Today, an "emergency meeting" was called in Tower Hamlets to discuss the ongoing dispute between the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Erick Pickles (Conservative Member of Parliament for Brentwood) and the twice elected Mayor of Tower Hamlets Lutfur Rahman. Less...
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