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Keith Hebden (End Hunger Fast media spokesperson).<br />
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London, 16/04/2014. Today, "End Hunger Fast" campaigners, supported by the Trussel Trust, Church Action on Poverty, Quakers, Just Fair and Evangelical Alliance, held a candle light vigil in Old Palace Yard outside the Houses of Parliament. The demonstration was called <<to come together and offer our voices and prayers in support for government action on hunger>> and against the shocking figures from the Trussel Trust (the biggest food bank charity in the UK), which shown that more than 900,000 people relied on food banks to eat in the past year, an increase of 163 per cent, which is clearly related with people who incurred in benefit sanctions. The Trussell Trust chairman, Chris Mould, in an interview released to the newspaper "The Independent" said: <<the figures were "shocking in 21st century Britain". He added: "Perhaps most worrying of all, this figure is just the tip of the iceberg of UK food poverty. It doesn’t include those helped by other emergency food providers, those living in towns where there is no food bank, people who are too ashamed to seek help or the large number of people who are only just coping by eating less and buying cheap food">>.<br />
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Keith Hebden (End Hunger Fast media spokesperson).

London, 16/04/2014. Today, "End Hunger Fast" campaigners, supported by the Trussel Trust, Church Action on Poverty, Quakers, Just Fair and Evangelical Alliance, held a candle light vigil in Old Palace Yard outside the Houses of Parliament. The demonstration was called <<to come together and offer our voices and prayers in support for government action on hunger>> and against the shocking figures from the...
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