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Rome, 08/12/2018. Today, tens of thousands of people (80,000 for the organisers "but the maximum capacity of the square without stage is estimated between 56,000 and 62,000 thousand people" – Source Fatto Quotidiano online at gathered in Piazza del Popolo to attend the national demonstration of the Lega (League Party - 1. - member of the coalition Government League – Five Star Movement, 2.), of Matteo Salvini. The peaceful rally was called to mark and highlight the results of the first six months of the Government 'Giallo-Verde' (Yellow and Green refer to the colors of the two main parties of the coalition), and to listen speeches by Lega Ministers, local politicians and their leader, the Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini.<br />
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For more info please click here:<br />
For a video of the event please click here:<br />
1. Lega Event At EUR with Matteo Salvini: "Prima Gli Italiani":  <br />
2. The New Italian Government (Lega – Movimento 5 Stelle) Swears at Palazzo del Quirinale:
Rome, 08/12/2018. Today, tens of thousands of people (80,000 for the organisers "but the maximum capacity of the square without stage is estimated between 56,000 and 62,000 thousand people" – Source Fatto Quotidiano online at gathered in Piazza del Popolo to attend the national demonstration of the Lega (League Party - 1. - member of the coalition Government League – Five Star Movement, 2.), of Matteo Salvini. The peaceful rally was called to mark...
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