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London, 23/01/2010. Today, campaign group "I Am A Photographer Not A Terrorist" (Phnat, 1.), supported by other organizations & members of the public, held a demo in Trafalgar Square to protest against the Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000. <<[…] Unlike other stop and search powers that the police can use, Section 44 does not require the police to have "reasonable suspicion" that an offence has been committed, to search an individual. In 2009, over 100.000 searches were conducted under the powers, but none of these resulted in people being arrested for terrorism offences […]>> (2.). 3,000+ People armed of cameras gathered in the famous UK landmark to protest against Sec. 44, but also against the building by the Home Office of a hostile environment around professional Lens workers: Photographers, Photojournalists, Press Photographers, Cameramen, Video Journalists. <<[…] an avalanche of high profile stop & searches, threats & arrests of photographers highlighted once again the police were equating photographers with the threat of terrorism. Leading architectural photographer and Phnat organiser Grant Smith was one of those high profile cases. Whilst photographing the 300-year spire of Sir Christopher Wren's Christ Church he was apprehended by City of London police. A squad of seven officers, in three cars and a riot van attended the scene and searched him under Section 44 […]>> (3.).<br />
<<[…] I'm a Photographer Not a Terrorist (Phnat) grew from a small group of London-based photographers & videographers who covered political protest in Britain and around the world. They found themselves under surveillance from the MET Police Forward Intelligence Teams (FIT). The National Union of Journalists NUJ was informed […] It was decided early on that the only way to combat this undemocratic and repressive practice was a collective one. […]>>.<br />
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London, 23/01/2010. Today, campaign group "I Am A Photographer Not A Terrorist" (Phnat, 1.), supported by other organizations & members of the public, held a demo in Trafalgar Square to protest against the Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000. <<[…] Unlike other stop and search powers that the police can use, Section 44 does not require the police to have "reasonable suspicion" that an offence has been committed, to search an individual. In 2009, over...
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