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Rome, 23/03/2019. Today, tens of thousands of people and activists (More than 100,000 for the organisers) marched from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza San Giovanni for the National Demonstration 23M - Marcia Per il Clima e Contro le Grandi Opere Inutili #SiamoAncoraInTempo (23M - March for the climate and against the useless major infrastructure projects #WeAreStillOnTime). The demonstration was held in the Italian capital for seeking to stop global warming and climate change, to call the Italian Government to create and implement policies based on green and clean sources of energy, and to immediately stop what they called "useless" major infrastructure projects, including the TAV: Turin – Lion High Speed Train railway (passing through the mountains of the Val Susa); the TAP: Trans-Adriatica Pipeline; the MUOS: Mobile User Objective System (US Military satellite communications) and many more. Moreover, protesters asked the Government to ban Cruise ships from Venice and to keep the electoral promise to close the enormous and highly polluting steel factory Ilva in Taranto. Numerous groups arrived from across the Country, including: No TAV, No TAP, No MUOS, No TRIV, No Grandi Navi, Stop Biocidio, No MOSE, No ILVA, No Snam, Stop Pfas, which were supported by lefty parties, movements and Social Centres, including Potere al Popolo and Partito Comunista.<br />
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Rome, 23/03/2019. Today, tens of thousands of people and activists (More than 100,000 for the organisers) marched from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza San Giovanni for the National Demonstration 23M - Marcia Per il Clima e Contro le Grandi Opere Inutili #SiamoAncoraInTempo (23M - March for the climate and against the useless major infrastructure projects #WeAreStillOnTime). The demonstration was held in the Italian capital for seeking to stop global warming and climate change, to call the...
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