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Rome, 29/06/2018. Today, the "5ᵃ Sbandata Romana" took place in the streets of Centocelle district in Rome. This year, this popular and gratuitous event of Music without barriers (and borders) saw 21 bands – 500 musicians – from Austria, France, Germany, United States, Milan, Bologna, Florence and Rome. From the organisers website: <<La Sbandata is a big popular festival dedicated to Music which has got the Street Bands as protagonists: conceived from below and organized by the host Band, along with the local, city institutions and organizations which have accompanied it in recent years. From the 2000s, it takes place annually in different cities: Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Paris, Brest, Munich, Graz, and also overseas with the Honk Festival held in Somerville, New York and Rio de Janeiro. During the Festival days the Bands invade squares and prefixed places with the aim of activating a non-stereotyped socialization and, above all, without barriers! The abolition of every element of separation between musicians and spectators creates a unique interaction, an overwhelming alchemy, made of spontaneity and human warmth. La Sbandata is also a moment of comparison between the Bands, different for training and experiences but which share values, battles, utopias and express themselves through the common language of music, a formidable tool of struggle and protest, of social commitment and socialization […]>>.<br />
For this reportage I would like to thank all the Music Bands, the amazing People of Centocelle, and in particular: Eleonora, Giulia, Greta, Kamal, Matteo, Nikolas, Riccardo, Timur: Grazie!<br />
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For more info please click here: & & & (Video Presentation - Sub in Eng)
Rome, 29/06/2018. Today, the "5ᵃ Sbandata Romana" took place in the streets of Centocelle district in Rome. This year, this popular and gratuitous event of Music without barriers (and borders) saw 21 bands – 500 musicians – from Austria, France, Germany, United States, Milan, Bologna, Florence and Rome. From the organisers website: <<La Sbandata is a big popular festival dedicated to Music which has got the Street Bands as protagonists: conceived from below and...
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