Day IV - 20.10.2014
London 17-26.10.2014. A day at the Parliament Square Occupy Democracy Camp in London. Protesters have been camping in Parliament Square since the 17th of October and they will leave on Sunday the 26th. Since the beginning of the direct action protesters have been battling with the MET Police and the Greater London Authority's Heritage Wardens (provided under private contract by AOS Security) over the specific bylaw which applies to a designated area...
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London 17-26.10.2014. A day at the Parliament Square Occupy Democracy Camp in London. Protesters have been camping in Parliament Square since the 17th of October and they will leave on Sunday the 26th. Since the beginning of the direct action protesters have been battling with the MET Police and the Greater London Authority's Heritage Wardens (provided under private contract by AOS Security) over the specific bylaw which applies to a designated area...
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Copyright © Luca Neve 20/10/2014
All rights reserved. Moral rights asserted.