Rome, 05/09/2019. Today, the new Italian Government (AKA Governo Conte II, Conte's Second Government, Governo Giallo-Rosso) lead by Professor Giuseppe Conte swore in front of the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella. The 66th Government of Italy is a coalition between Five Star Movement (M5S,, Democratic Party (PD – Center Left,, and Liberi e Uguali (LeU – Left,, these last two parties replaced Lega /...
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Rome, 05/09/2019. Today, the new Italian Government (AKA Governo Conte II, Conte's Second Government, Governo Giallo-Rosso) lead by Professor Giuseppe Conte swore in front of the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella. The 66th Government of Italy is a coalition between Five Star Movement (M5S,, Democratic Party (PD – Center Left,, and Liberi e Uguali (LeU – Left,, these last two parties replaced Lega / League as new members of a coalition based on Parliamentarian majority as stated in the Italian Constitution. The Governo Conte I (Conte's First Gov. - was 14-month-old when, between 8 and 9 of August 2019, collapsed after the Interior Minister Matteo Salvini withdrew his euroskeptic, anti-migrant, right-wing Lega / League ( from the populist coalition in a pindaric attempt (miserably failed) to trigger a snap election. Giuseppe Conte is a Law professor in Florence and Rome originally from Puglia. «Mr Conte, who studied at Yale University in the US and the Sorbonne University in Paris after earning his law degree at the Sapienza University of Rome, has held high-profile positions, including a seat on the council that regulates Italy's administrative judiciary. […] Mr Conte has in the past said that his "heart beat to the left", but like many Five Star supporters, he did not recognise himself in traditional political labels […]». (Source Financial Times, The new Italian Government is composed of 21 Ministers. These photos were taken outside the Palace of Quirinale, President Mattarella official residence. Unfortunately the Prime Minister Conte arrived and left the palace by car.
Italian Government website:
"Italy's New Coalition Sworn In As Doubts Cast Over Longevity" (Source, The Guardian):« less