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Alessio Falconio (Director of Radio Radicale).<br />
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Rome, 05/05/2019. Today, Articolo 21, FNSI (Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana, Italian National Press Federation), Associazione Stampa Romana (Press Association of Rome), Comunità Ebraica di Roma (Jewish Community of Rome), Comunità di Sant'Egidio (Sant'Egidio Community), along with members of the public, Trade Unions, associations, politicians, authors, journalists held a demonstration in piazza Mattei in support and solidarity with Radio Radicale (1.) and against the funding cuts, planned by the League/Five Star Movement Government, which will cause the closure of the historic-plural-free Italian Radio on the 20th of May 2019.<br />
<<Radio Radicale is the official radio station of Partito Radicale (Radical Party) in Italy. It was founded in the seventies [1976], along with the "Radio libere". It is completely free of commercial advertising and is partly funded by the party, however the biggest portion comes from the Italian Government through an agreement for the broadcasting of Parliamentary sessions ["riconosciuta dal Governo italiano come 'impresa radiofonica che svolge attività di informazione di interesse generale'"]. Despite being an official political party organ a large portion of its airtime is devoted to broadcasting parliamentary live debates from the Italian Chamber of Deputies and Italian Senate as well as important court cases [debates at the European Parliament and at Local Municipalities]. Another large portion of airtime is also used to broadcast Italian political party conventions of all political spectrum from far right to the far left. […] It has a huge archive of recordings from the last 30 years of Italian politics […]>> (2.). <br />
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Footnotes and Links:<br />
1.<br />
2. (Source, ENG) & (Source, ITA)<br />
Video (Source, Radio Radicale)
Alessio Falconio (Director of Radio Radicale).

Rome, 05/05/2019. Today, Articolo 21, FNSI (Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana, Italian National Press Federation), Associazione Stampa Romana (Press Association of Rome), Comunità Ebraica di Roma (Jewish Community of Rome), Comunità di Sant'Egidio (Sant'Egidio Community), along with members of the public, Trade Unions, associations, politicians, authors, journalists held a demonstration in piazza Mattei in support...
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