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Rome, 10/03/2019. Visiting and documenting le Terme Di Diocleziano (the Bath Of Diocletian) part of the Museo Nazionale Romano (National Roman Museum, 1.).<br />
«[…] The magnificent structure of the bath, the largest in Ancient Rome, was built between the years 298 and 306 A.D. As well as holding the traditional pools of water at various temperatures (calidarium, frigidarium and tepidarium), the bath also included a central hall, an open-air swimming pool [natatio] and many other rooms which were put to various uses. Today, part of the perimeter of the bath is occupied by the Church of Saint Mary of the Angels […]» (2.).<br />
«[…] Il grandioso impianto delle Terme di Diocleziano, le più grandi di Roma Antica, venne costruito tra il 298 e il 306 d.C. L'edificio, oltre ai tradizionali ambienti con vasche d'acqua di diverse temperature (calidarium, frigidarium e tepidarium) comprendeva un'aula centrale basilicale, la piscina scoperta (natatio) e molte altre sale di ritrovo. Parte del seminterrato è oggi occupato dalla Chiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli […]» (2.).<br />
This visit was possible thanks to the Italian State initiative: "Domeniche al Museo" (Sunday at the Museum, 4.).<br />
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Footnotes & Links:<br />
1. For a brief history of the National Roman Museum - ENG & ITA - and photos of one of its other three locations: Palazzo Massimo:<br />
2. (Source, ENG & ITA) &<br />
3. (Source,, ENG & ITA) &<br />
Rome, 10/03/2019. Visiting and documenting le Terme Di Diocleziano (the Bath Of Diocletian) part of the Museo Nazionale Romano (National Roman Museum, 1.).
«[…] The magnificent structure of the bath, the largest in Ancient Rome, was built between the years 298 and 306 A.D. As well as holding the traditional pools of water at various temperatures (calidarium, frigidarium and tepidarium), the bath also included a central hall, an open-air swimming pool [natatio] and many...
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