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Ferramonti di Tarsia (Cosenza, Calabria – Italy), 25/04/2019. Today, to mark the 74th Anniversary of the Italian Liberation from nazi-fascism ('Liberazione'), a memorial was held at the Concentration Camp of Ferramonti di Tarsia (aka Internierungslager Ferramonti di Tarsia). At the end of a series of events a public meeting took place attended by members of the public, experts, and politicians – including the Mayor of Tarsia and the President of Calabria's Region.<br />
The [often forgotten*] Calabrian "internment" camp was the largest of the fifteen camps built in Italy by the fascist regime of Benito Mussolini between June and September 1940. Their purpose was to confine Jewish, Roma and Sinti, homosexual and disable people, political dissidents and other ethnic minorities. <br />
The Ferramonti's camp was located in a malaria-plagued piece of land. It had 92 barracks where families were kept together and children attended school. The camp was operational from June 1940 and September 1943 and "there were 3,823 Jewish internees at Ferramonti, of which only 141 were Italian. The majority, 3,682 people, were foreign-born" (1.). The Ministry of the Interior appointed the police officer Paolo Salvatore (1899-1980) as camp director. The camp was freed by the British Army in September 1943, but many of the former prisoners stayed in it for the next two years, until the camp was officially closed on the 11th December 1945.   <br />
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** For the full caption please read the Article at the beginning of this story<br />
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Footnotes and Links <br />
1. (ENG -<br />
2. (Article by Primo Levi Center New York)<br /><br /><br /> (HBW - Wikipedia Israel)<br /> (ITA - Wikipedia Italy)<br /> (ENG - - "Daughter's emotional visit to Ferramonti concentration camp where her father, a former Storthes Hall psychiatrist, was held"
Ferramonti di Tarsia (Cosenza, Calabria – Italy), 25/04/2019. Today, to mark the 74th Anniversary of the Italian Liberation from nazi-fascism ('Liberazione'), a memorial was held at the Concentration Camp of Ferramonti di Tarsia (aka Internierungslager Ferramonti di Tarsia). At the end of a series of events a public meeting took place attended by members of the public, experts, and politicians – including the Mayor of Tarsia and the President of Calabria's Region.
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