Matteo Salvini (Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of the Interior – Leader of the League - Lega).
Rome, 10/12/2018. Today, the derelict former factory of the Penicillin in the east area of Rome was evicted and evacuated by a conspicuous number police officers in full riot gears (Polizia and Carabinieri) supported by fire fighters and the Rome municipal police. The abandoned and run-down factory once was home to an estimated 500 people, including migrants of different...
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Matteo Salvini (Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of the Interior – Leader of the League - Lega).
Rome, 10/12/2018. Today, the derelict former factory of the Penicillin in the east area of Rome was evicted and evacuated by a conspicuous number police officers in full riot gears (Polizia and Carabinieri) supported by fire fighters and the Rome municipal police. The abandoned and run-down factory once was home to an estimated 500 people, including migrants of different nationalities but also Italian families who lived in extreme poverty and poor hygienic and health conditions (presence of asbestos and others). The eviction, which saw the last 35 inhabitants took away on a bus by the police, was attended by the far-right leader of League (Lega), anti-immigration Minister of the Interiors and Deputy Prime Minister, Matteo Salvini. A group of protesters and activists held a rally against the eviction without a plan to rehouse the people of the Ex Penicillin but it was kept away from the main gate of the raw-concrete skeleton building.
On the same day the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, 1.), was marked outside the Colosseum projecting the Article 1 of the Declaration on the Historic symbol of Rome: <<All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood>> (2.).
2. See my Story here:« less