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"Left Unity" Demo.<br />
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London, 12/06/2014. Today, two separate activist groups, the "Left Unity" and "Homes Not Jails" held demonstrations outside the Tesco Metro in Regent Street to protest against the metal studs - 'spikes' - that had been installed to prevent rough sleepers. The spikes, cemented overnight by another group of activists, the LBR (London Black Revs/Revolutionaries), had already been removed by Tesco before the demonstrations of today.
"Left Unity" Demo.

London, 12/06/2014. Today, two separate activist groups, the "Left Unity" and "Homes Not Jails" held demonstrations outside the Tesco Metro in Regent Street to protest against the metal studs - 'spikes' - that had been installed to prevent rough sleepers. The spikes, cemented overnight by another group of activists, the LBR (London Black Revs/Revolutionaries), had already been removed by Tesco before the demonstrations of today.