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Malet Street. <br />
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London, 11/12/2013. Today, thousands of UK University students held a demonstration started outside ULU (University of London Union) in Malet Street. The aim of the demo was to protest against the alleged use of excessive violence by the Met Police against students. Moreover, these actions <<are about anti-privatisation and pro-workers’ struggles movement on campuses, which is facing heavy repression>>. Then, the demonstration spread peacefully throughout central London and ended outside the ULU (University London Union). No police were present on campus and no arrests were made.
Malet Street.

London, 11/12/2013. Today, thousands of UK University students held a demonstration started outside ULU (University of London Union) in Malet Street. The aim of the demo was to protest against the alleged use of excessive violence by the Met Police against students. Moreover, these actions <<are about anti-privatisation and pro-workers’ struggles movement on campuses, which is facing heavy repression>>. Then, the demonstration spread peacefully...
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