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Joaquín Almunia.<br />
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London, 11/11/2013. Today, LSE (London School of Economics) presented a public lecture called "Competition in the online world: European and global perspectives" hosted by Joaquín Almunia (Vice-President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for Competition, 2010-2014; former Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, 2004-2010; former leader of the Spanish Socialist Party, 1997-2000; former Chief economist of the Spanish trade union, UGT). Chair of the event was Professor Damian Chalmers (Professor of European Union Law).<br />
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Here there is the link to the podcast to listen the lecture:
Joaquín Almunia.

London, 11/11/2013. Today, LSE (London School of Economics) presented a public lecture called "Competition in the online world: European and global perspectives" hosted by Joaquín Almunia (Vice-President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for Competition, 2010-2014; former Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, 2004-2010; former leader of the Spanish Socialist Party, 1997-2000; former Chief economist of the...
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