(From R to L) Julian Hayes (Crime Family & Sport Lawyer Partner Hayes Law Solicitors and Advocates LLP, Justice Alliance member) & Jonathan Black (Criminal defence specialist, President of the London Criminal Courts Solicitors' Association, LCCSA and Justice Alliance Member).
London, 05/05/2015. Today, the "Justice Alliance" and their Chris Grayling puppet dresses as King John Lackland held a "farewell party" outside the Ministry of Justice in...
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(From R to L) Julian Hayes (Crime Family & Sport Lawyer Partner Hayes Law Solicitors and Advocates LLP, Justice Alliance member) & Jonathan Black (Criminal defence specialist, President of the London Criminal Courts Solicitors' Association, LCCSA and Justice Alliance Member).
London, 05/05/2015. Today, the "Justice Alliance" and their Chris Grayling puppet dresses as King John Lackland held a "farewell party" outside the Ministry of Justice in Westminster to celebrate the last day of Chris Grayling as the British Minister of Justice.
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