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London, 17/04/2014. To mark the "International Day of Peasant's Struggle" and the "UN Year of Family Farming (2014)", the Land Workers Alliance held a demonstration outside DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). The rally was called by small and medium scale farmers, growers, land workers and aspiring farmers to demonstrate they can provide food for Britain and that they need the Government to make policies for a "sustainable food future for all" and to support them adequately.  The activists also recreated a small "Farmer's Market" to show and illustrate their claims and a seed swop desk.<br />
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London, 17/04/2014. To mark the "International Day of Peasant's Struggle" and the "UN Year of Family Farming (2014)", the Land Workers Alliance held a demonstration outside DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). The rally was called by small and medium scale farmers, growers, land workers and aspiring farmers to demonstrate they can provide food for Britain and that they need the Government to make policies for a "sustainable food future for...
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