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Rome, 03/05/2019. Today, MACRO Asilo (Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome, 1.) presented a series of public conferences to discuss the dramatic situation of the migrants trapped in legal and illegal prisons in Libya. The events were organised and presented by the Collective Stalker/NoWorking (2.) and “Exodus Fuga Dalla Libia” (3.). From the organisers Manifesto: <<[…] Urgent and determined action is needed to free the migrant-slaves trapped in Libya, an urgency that is only now being recognized following the renewal of civil strife. That action must break the hypocritical political polarization that is lacerating Europe and putting partisan interests above the need to restore civil and constitutional rights degraded by years of insane policies at national and European levels. The European Commission, along with recent Italian governments […] have supported agreements with Libya that make us complicit in the crimes against humanity that are being committed there. Less than 500 km from Italy, at least 700.000 women, men and children trapped in Libya suffer daily torture, extortion and violence. Migrants throughout the country live in a state of slavery – abused, starved and subjected to forced labour. Those who try to escape are detained in concentration camps. The reality of the new slavery in Libya is still not unanimously accepted nor publicly acknowledged […]>>.<br />
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Footnotes & Links:<br />
1.<br />
2. & & (Manifesto in English) & (Noantri Cittadini Planetari - Facebook)<br />
3.<br />
4. (Facebook & Manifesto)<br />
Video (Source, Radio
Rome, 03/05/2019. Today, MACRO Asilo (Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome, 1.) presented a series of public conferences to discuss the dramatic situation of the migrants trapped in legal and illegal prisons in Libya. The events were organised and presented by the Collective Stalker/NoWorking (2.) and “Exodus Fuga Dalla Libia” (3.). From the organisers Manifesto: <<[…] Urgent and determined action is needed to free the migrant-slaves trapped in Libya, an urgency that is...
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