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Palermo (Sicily - Italy), 19/07/2017. "L'Acchianata al Castello Utveggio": march organised by Agende Rosse, and led by Salvatore Borsellino (Brother of the Judge Paolo Borsellino, and founder of the Movemento Agende Rosse/Red Notebooks Movement). The march was from Via D'Amelio to Castello Utveggio (an art nouveau castle on Monte Pellegrino, overlooking Palermo and Via D'Amelio). The castle is where members of the mafia, allegedly along with agents from SISDE (Italy's civil intelligence service), activated the est. 100kg TNT bomb that killed the anti-mafia Magistrate Paolo Borsellino. Also killed by the bomb were five members of Borsellino's police "scorta" (escorts from the special branch of the Italian police force who protect Judges). The police officers were: Agostino Catalano, Emanuela Loi (the first Italian female member of the police special branch and the first one to be killed on duty), Vincenzo Li Muli, Walter Eddie Cosina and Claudio Traina.<br />
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Palermo (Sicily - Italy), 19/07/2017. "L'Acchianata al Castello Utveggio": march organised by Agende Rosse, and led by Salvatore Borsellino (Brother of the Judge Paolo Borsellino, and founder of the Movemento Agende Rosse/Red Notebooks Movement). The march was from Via D'Amelio to Castello Utveggio (an art nouveau castle on Monte Pellegrino, overlooking Palermo and Via D'Amelio). The castle is where members of the mafia, allegedly along with agents from SISDE (Italy's civil...
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