Between 22:40 and 23:00 - Sen. Mario Monti, current Prime Minister of Italy, Senator for life and as leader of Scelta Civica candidate to be Prime Minister again.
Rome, 25/02/2013. Reportage covering the second day of the Italian General Election, including the campaign HQ's of the Rivoluzione Civile - Antonio Ingroia, the PDL (Popolo della Libertá) - Silvio Berlusconi, and the Scelta Civile - Mario Monti.
Rome, 25/02/2013. Reportage covering the second day of the Italian General Election, including the campaign HQ's of the Rivoluzione Civile - Antonio Ingroia, the PDL (Popolo della Libertá) - Silvio Berlusconi, and the Scelta Civile - Mario Monti.
Copyright © Luca Neve 25/02/2013.All rights reserved. Moral rights asserted.