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London, 04/07/2015. Today, Libera, the Italian organization against the mafias, held its second London’s branch event called: "Libera in Europe - A Conversation with Franco La Torre” hosted by Franco La Torre (Italian Historian, environmentalist and revolutionary. Pacifist and worker in the international cooperation, from 2002 he is an executive member of the board of Libera. Franco is the son of Pio La Torre, CGIL's Trade Unionist, Italian Communist Party executive member and MP. Pio La Torre is the co-author of the Italian Antimafia "Law Rognoni-La Torre" - Law n. 646/1982, which introduced in the Italian Legal System the mafia association/conspiracy as a crime/offence and the possibility for the courts to seize and to confiscate the assets of the persons belonging to the mafia conspiracy. Pio La Torre was assassinated by the Sicilian Mafia the 30th of April 1982). From Libera's website: <<"Libera. Associations, names and numbers against mafias" was born on 25 March 1995 with the purpose of involving and supporting all those who are interested in the fight against mafias and organized crime. Libera is presently a network of more than 1,200 associations, groups and schools, committed to build(ing) up organizational synergies between the political and cultural local realities capable of promoting a culture of lawfulness. The law on the social use of the real estate confiscated from organized crime, the education on democratic lawfulness, the fight against corruption, the camps for antimafia education, the projects on work, development and anti-usury activities, are some of Libera's concrete commitments […]>> (For more information please click here:<br />
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London, 04/07/2015. Today, Libera, the Italian organization against the mafias, held its second London’s branch event called: "Libera in Europe - A Conversation with Franco La Torre” hosted by Franco La Torre (Italian Historian, environmentalist and revolutionary. Pacifist and worker in the international cooperation, from 2002 he is an executive member of the board of Libera. Franco is the son of Pio La Torre, CGIL's Trade Unionist, Italian Communist Party executive member...
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