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Rome, 30/03/2019. Today, the Liceo Artistico Ripetta was the stage for the Art installation and urban protest called the Zapatos Rojos (Red Shoes, 1.) by the Mexican Visual Artist Elina Chauvet (2.). The renowned Art installation was first realised in 2009 in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, to rise awareness on violence against women, to remember and commemorate the hundreds of women and girls who have been abducted, who have been victims of violence, and/or who have been killed in Ciudad Juárez. <<Contrary to violence against women and against the Feminicide, the Liceo Artistico [Art High School] La Ripetta hosts in Piazza Ferro di Cavallo the famous installation Red Shoes by Elina Chauvet, with the collaboration of the students and under the patronage of the Municipality of Rome Centre […]>> (Source, Facebook event page, 3.). The Art Installation was curated by Elina Chauvet, Monica Pirone, Sergio Angeli and Michela Becchis.<br />
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Rome, 30/03/2019. Today, the Liceo Artistico Ripetta was the stage for the Art installation and urban protest called the Zapatos Rojos (Red Shoes, 1.) by the Mexican Visual Artist Elina Chauvet (2.). The renowned Art installation was first realised in 2009 in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, to rise awareness on violence against women, to remember and commemorate the hundreds of women and girls who have been abducted, who have been victims of violence, and/or who have been killed in Ciudad...
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