No Al Patto Della Poltrona – Far-Right Demos Outside the Italian Parliament
Rome, 09/09/2019. Today, the sovranist-far-right party Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy - Leader Giorgia Meloni) - supported by Lega (League - Leader Matteo Salvini, 2.) - held demonstrations (1.) in front of and around the Italian Parliament against what they called "Il patto della Poltrona" (The seat/armchair pact, allegedly made between the Five Star Movement M5S and the Democratic Party PD to avoid the general election) and calling for a snap election. In the meantime, the...
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Rome, 09/09/2019. Today, the sovranist-far-right party Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy - Leader Giorgia Meloni) - supported by Lega (League - Leader Matteo Salvini, 2.) - held demonstrations (1.) in front of and around the Italian Parliament against what they called "Il patto della Poltrona" (The seat/armchair pact, allegedly made between the Five Star Movement M5S and the Democratic Party PD to avoid the general election) and calling for a snap election. In the meantime, the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and his new Government (Governo Conte II: PD – M5S – LeU, see my story here, 3.) were debating and finally asking to the Lower House of Parliament the vote of confidence necessary to start the new mandate. The demonstration was initially called to be held in Piazza Montecitorio but the police - for public order issues related to the small size of the square - decided to divide it in three rallies: two in Via del Corso / Piazza Colonna and one in Piazza Montecitorio. The protest saw few thousands people waving the Tricolore (Tricolor Italian flags, as asked by the organisers), but in some cases members of neo-fascist organizations performed fascist/roman salute praising the dictator Benito Mussolini, manifestations and acts which are made illegal in Italy by various laws, including the Law n.645 "Legge Scelba", 1952 (4.) and Law n. 205 "Legge Mancino", 1993 (5.).
Footnotes & Links:
"New Italian government wins vote of confidence in lower parliament" (Source, the Guardian)
"Italian PM promises a 'more respectful' government after Matteo Salvini pushed out" (Source, the Telegraph)« less