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London, 11/10/2014. Today, "No TTIP" and other activist organizations held a demonstration outside the Houses of Parliament to protest against the TTIP, the US/EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - called TAFTA, Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement in the US – which is a 'free trade' agreement between the world two biggest economies, being negotiated now. From the organisers press release: <<[…] If agreed, the EU-US Trade Deal (TTIP) would grant corporations the power to sue governments, threatening to lock-in the privatisation of our schools and NHS. Rules that protect workers, the environment, food safety, digital rights and privacy would be undermined, with harmful industries like fracking encouraged. […]>><br />
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London, 11/10/2014. Today, "No TTIP" and other activist organizations held a demonstration outside the Houses of Parliament to protest against the TTIP, the US/EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - called TAFTA, Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement in the US – which is a 'free trade' agreement between the world two biggest economies, being negotiated now. From the organisers press release: <<[…] If agreed, the EU-US Trade Deal (TTIP) would grant...
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