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Rome, 16/12/2017. Today, tens of Thousands of people marched peacefully in central Rome - from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza del Popolo – in support and solidarity with migrants and refugees, against racism, poverty and the exploitation of all workers, calling to fight globalization and the EU policies which, for the organisers, "deprive people of a proper living wage, work, and housing independently where they come from […]. The change we want cannot just look at our conditions but also at the condition of people who suffer injustice and privation […]. Starting from our constant work on different territories, creating and treasuring good-shared practises, our stories gathered together thank to sharing common needs, knowing to have to congregate our destinies in our hands to obtain social redemption and to refuse all the xenophobic and racist campaigns based on our skin, whichever colour it is […]. We should stop the camouflaged reality which wants migrants and refugees main responsible for social inequality […]".<br />
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For more information & the list of the organisers please click here: &
Rome, 16/12/2017. Today, tens of Thousands of people marched peacefully in central Rome - from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza del Popolo – in support and solidarity with migrants and refugees, against racism, poverty and the exploitation of all workers, calling to fight globalization and the EU policies which, for the organisers, "deprive people of a proper living wage, work, and housing independently where they come from […]. The change we want cannot just look at our...
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