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Resident who fights for Housing Rights and against evictions.<br />
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Antifascists.<br />
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Roma, 08/05/2019. Today, members of the far-right/neo-fascist political party 'casapound', held a rally in Casal Bruciato (suburb in the East side of Rome) in response to the allocation of a council flat to a Roma family - legally in the waiting list of Rome's Municipality - with twelve children and not any previous offenses committed. On the 7th of May a similar protest was held with the support of some residents of the district. Some members of the fascist organization 'casapound', undisputed by the police, insulted and menaced the Roma woman - while she was carrying her daughter in her arms - to "rape" her, that she is a "prostitute", and that all Roma people should be "hanged".<br />
In the meantime, Anti-fascist / Anti-racist Organizations, Movements for Housing, social centres, members of the public, supported by trade unions and lefty political parties, held a counter-demonstration nearby. The demo was called to protest against the rally of "casapound", accused to be a fascist group (illegal for the Italian Law so which needs to be immediately closed) - they call themselves "fascists of the third millennium" - trying to fomenting hatred, pushing the people of the suburbs in a war between poor people, and to be just "narrow-minded slander" ('sciacallaggio' in Italian).  <br />
The heavy police presence in full riot gears, supported by a water cannon truck and a helicopter, kept the two sides apart letting the Antifascist movements having a march in the district, once a historic "Roccaforte Rossa" (a red stronghold).
Resident who fights for Housing Rights and against evictions.


Roma, 08/05/2019. Today, members of the far-right/neo-fascist political party 'casapound', held a rally in Casal Bruciato (suburb in the East side of Rome) in response to the allocation of a council flat to a Roma family - legally in the waiting list of Rome's Municipality - with twelve children and not any previous offenses committed. On the 7th of May a similar protest was held with the...
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