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London, 11/02/2012. Hundreds of people protested today against ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) outside British Music House (Berners Street) in central London. The protesters claimed that this international anti-piracy agreement, developed secretly between several Countries in the world (including: US, EU, New Zealand, Japan, Australia, Switzerland, South Korea, Mexico, Canada, the United Arab Emirates), has been created to protect mainly the giant corporations of film and music, and not creators, producers, journalists and ordinary citizens. After a sit-in, the protesters marched across central London visiting the US Embassy, Buckingham Palace, Parliament Square, Whitehall, Downing Street and Trafalgar Square. The protest was escorted by police officers and ended peacefully.
London, 11/02/2012. Hundreds of people protested today against ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) outside British Music House (Berners Street) in central London. The protesters claimed that this international anti-piracy agreement, developed secretly between several Countries in the world (including: US, EU, New Zealand, Japan, Australia, Switzerland, South Korea, Mexico, Canada, the United Arab Emirates), has been created to protect mainly the giant corporations of film and music,...
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