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London, 19/10/2015. Today, the LSE (London School of Economics and Political Studies) presented a public lecture - part of the Department of International Relations public lecture - called "The Modern Mercenary: private armies and what they mean for world order" hosted by the author of the homonymous book, Sean McFate (American Associate Professor at the National Defense University, Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council and Adjunct Professor at Georgetown School of Foreign Service; he is an alumnus of LSE; he is an author; he worked in Africa for several years for DynCorp International, a company that provides international security services; from 1992 to 2000 he was an U.S. Army officer, serving as paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division. Following this, he was an advisor to Amnesty International on human rights and armed conflict). Chair of the event was Christopher Coker (Professor of International Relations at LSE). From the event online page: <<It was 2004, and Sean McFate had a mission in Burundi: to keep the president alive and prevent the country from spiralling into genocide, without anyone knowing that the United States was involved. The United States was, of course, involved, but only through McFate's employer, the military contractor DynCorp International. Throughout the world, similar scenarios are playing out daily. The United States can no longer go to war without contractors. Yet we don't know much about the industry's structure, its operations, or where it's heading. Even the U.S. government - the entity that actually pays them - knows relatively little […]>>.<br />
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Here there is the link to podcast and video of the lecture:
London, 19/10/2015. Today, the LSE (London School of Economics and Political Studies) presented a public lecture - part of the Department of International Relations public lecture - called "The Modern Mercenary: private armies and what they mean for world order" hosted by the author of the homonymous book, Sean McFate (American Associate Professor at the National Defense University, Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council and Adjunct Professor at Georgetown School of Foreign Service;...
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