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Rome, 25/11/2017. Today, "NonUnaDiMeno" (Not One Woman Less) held the National demonstration "Non Una di Meno: We Have A Plan", which saw 150,000 people marching peacefully from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano. The Protest - which marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women - was called in support and solidarity with all the women, demanding the end to male violence against women, fighting for the living wage for all women, supporting abortion's rights and self-determination, and to end all forms of discrimination against women. <br />
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For more information please click here: & <br />
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To read the Manifesto/Plan of the organisers (Version in: Italian, French, Spanish, English, Russian, Arabic, Hindi, Slovenian, Portuguese) please click here:
Rome, 25/11/2017. Today, "NonUnaDiMeno" (Not One Woman Less) held the National demonstration "Non Una di Meno: We Have A Plan", which saw 150,000 people marching peacefully from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano. The Protest - which marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women - was called in support and solidarity with all the women, demanding the end to male violence against women, fighting for the living wage for...
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