![Ken Loach (English film and television director). <br />
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London, 15/04/2015. Today, the "March For Homeless 2015" was held in Central London. From the organisers press release: <<Demonstrators take fight against the national homelessness scandal to Downing Street. Hundreds of people will join a mass rally outside Downing Street tomorrow (Tuesday 14 April), as part of March for the Homeless 2015, an international protest action to raise awareness of the treatment of homeless people in the UK, Ireland and beyond. […] Homelessness has risen by a staggering 55 per cent since David Cameron became prime minister in 2010, with 742 people sleeping rough every night in the capital alone – a 37 per cent increase on 2013. Tomorrow's action in London - centred on the theme of 'No more deaths on our streets' - will see grassroots campaigners, housing and homeless groups - directly involved in the fight against homeless - come together to serve food and distribute essential items to the homeless in a carnival atmosphere, complete with speakers, music, performances and workshops. There will also be a voter registration drive to encourage homeless people to register to vote in the upcoming general election on 7 May. […]>>.<br />
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For more information please click here: http://streetskitchen.co.uk/?page_id=2015 & http://on.fb.me/1zlgCSg](https://www.lucaneve.com/img-get/I00007Hi1Jsu4t8Q/s/800/800/IMG-4372.jpg)

Ken Loach (English film and television director).
London, 15/04/2015. Today, the "March For Homeless 2015" was held in Central London. From the organisers press release: <<Demonstrators take fight against the national homelessness scandal to Downing Street. Hundreds of people will join a mass rally outside Downing Street tomorrow (Tuesday 14 April), as part of March for the Homeless 2015, an international protest action to raise awareness of the treatment of...
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London, 15/04/2015. Today, the "March For Homeless 2015" was held in Central London. From the organisers press release: <<Demonstrators take fight against the national homelessness scandal to Downing Street. Hundreds of people will join a mass rally outside Downing Street tomorrow (Tuesday 14 April), as part of March for the Homeless 2015, an international protest action to raise awareness of the treatment of...
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Copyright © Luca Neve 15/04/2015All rights reserved. Moral rights asserted.