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John McDonnell (Labour MP).<br />
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London, 20/03/2012. "Defend The Right To Protest" organised a meeting at the House of Commons called "Is Protesting Becoming A Crime". The discussion analysed the British situation related to the increasing of the prison population in the last few years, especially more cases involving young people; the arrests made by police officers in connection with the student protests; the police brutality, like in Alfie Meadows case who is also charged for "violent disorder". Speakers included: Tony Benn, John McDonnell MP, Susan Matthews, Alfie Meadows, Matt Foot, Jelena Timotijevic, Jeremy Corbin MP, Marcia Rigg, Morgan Wild, Maggie Mitchell, John Hemming MP.
John McDonnell (Labour MP).

London, 20/03/2012. "Defend The Right To Protest" organised a meeting at the House of Commons called "Is Protesting Becoming A Crime". The discussion analysed the British situation related to the increasing of the prison population in the last few years, especially more cases involving young people; the arrests made by police officers in connection with the student protests; the police brutality, like in Alfie Meadows case who is...
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