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Rome, 02/10/2019. Today, the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio (and leader of the Five Star Movement) meets the United States Secretary of State, Michael 'Mike' Pompeo, in the splendid Loggia di Raffaello of Villa Madama. The bilateral meeting (1.) covered numerous topics: the strong relationship and alliance between USA and Italy, USA custom duties imposed to EU products, protecting Italian enterprises working in/with the USA, NATO, Ukrainian files, Chinese 5G, geopolitical crisis: Libya, Iran, Venezuela.<br />
Mike Pompeo is a politician and attorney; since April 2018 he is the 70th US Secretary of State; he was Director of the Central Intelligence Agency CIA from January 2017 to April 2018; he is a former member of the United States House of Representatives from 2011 to 2017, representing Kansas's 4th congressional district; he is also a member of the Tea Party movement within the Republican Party (2.).<br />
Villa Madama is a unique Renaissance Villa designed by Raffaello Sanzio (Urbino 1483-Roma 1520). «[…] Raphael's loggia consists of three round arches "a tutto sesto" overlooking the Italian garden. Inside, the high bays, which emulate and enhance the architecture of the Roman baths, are represented on both sides by cross vaults and the central one by a circular dome, all entirely and extraordinarily decorated with "stucchi" by Giovanni da Udine [Udine 1487 - Rome 1564] and paintings by Giulio Romano [Rome 1492 o 1499 - Mantova 1546] [...]» (3.). «[…] Small temples, perspective architectures, statues of divinities, ivy festoons and refined "Rilievi" recall the literary source that inspired the entire decoration: Ovid's "Metamorphoses" […]» (4.).<br />
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Footnotes & Links:<br />
1. Video: (Washington Post, ENG) & (M5S su YouTube, ITA)<br />
2. (USA Gov, ENG)<br />
3. & ( ITA - ENG)<br />
4. (, ITA)
Rome, 02/10/2019. Today, the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Luigi Di Maio (and leader of the Five Star Movement) meets the United States Secretary of State, Michael 'Mike' Pompeo, in the splendid Loggia di Raffaello of Villa Madama. The bilateral meeting (1.) covered numerous topics: the strong relationship and alliance between USA and Italy, USA custom duties imposed to EU products, protecting Italian enterprises working in/with the USA, NATO, Ukrainian files, Chinese 5G, geopolitical...
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