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London Black Revs: "Solidarity with Ferguson, M.O Vigil outside the US Embassy".<br />
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London, 26/11/2014. Today, two separate demonstrations were held outside the US Embassy in London in support and solidarity with the family of Michael Brown and the people of Ferguson (Missouri) after the St Louis County Grand Jury (prosecutor Bob McCulloch) announced on Monday 24th November that the police officer Darren Wilson would not be charged for the fatal shooting of teenager Michael Brown. The first demonstration, called "Justice for Mike Brown - US Embassy Emergency Protest", was organised by Stand Up To Racism (For more information please click here: The second demonstration, called "Solidarity with Ferguson, M.O Vigil outside the US Embassy", was co-hosted by London Black Revs, NUS Black students Campaign, BARAC, DTRTP (For more information please click here: After the demonstrations, thousands of people spontaneously and peacefully marched in solidarity through central London ending outside New Scotland Yard, headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service and the territorial police force responsible for policing most of London.
London Black Revs: "Solidarity with Ferguson, M.O Vigil outside the US Embassy".

London, 26/11/2014. Today, two separate demonstrations were held outside the US Embassy in London in support and solidarity with the family of Michael Brown and the people of Ferguson (Missouri) after the St Louis County Grand Jury (prosecutor Bob McCulloch) announced on Monday 24th November that the police officer Darren Wilson would not be charged for the fatal shooting of teenager...
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