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Roberto Fiore (Secretary of 'Forza Nuova' - New Force).<br />
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Forza Nuova.<br />
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Roma, 27/10/2018. Today Members of the far-right/neo-fascist political party 'Forza Nuova' (New Force), held a demonstration at Porta Maggiore in Rome in response to the rape and murder of the 16-year-old Desiree Mariottini committed in San Lorenzo district Friday the 19th October. <br />
In the meantime, ANPI (National Association of Italian Partizans), supported by other anti-fascist / anti-racist organizations, social centres, trade unions, and political parties, held a counter-demonstration in the heart of San Lorenzo, Piazza dell’Immacolata. The demo was called to protest against the rally of Forza Nuova (New Force), accused to be a fascist group trying to exploit the death of Desiree Mariottini, to propose "fascist patrols" ('ronde' in Italian) in the famous WWII-anti-fascist neighbourhood of San Lorenzo, and for "narrow-minded slander" ('sciacallaggio' in Italian).  <br />
The heavy police presence, in full riot gears, kept the two sides apart. A small group of provocateurs, armed of two 'Forza Nuova' (New Force) flags, were blocked by anti-fascists and police while they were trying to reach the area where Desiree Mariottini was killed in Via dei Lucani 22.  <br />
The sixteen-year-old Desiree Mariottini was found dead in a derelict-abandoned building (known for drug trafficking) in San Lorenzo district on October 19. The Italian police, in connection with the murder, arrested four people, two Senegalese, one Nigerian and one Ghanaian nationals, who allegedly drugged and gang raped Desiree while unconscious, before she died of an alleged overdose (For more info BBC website,
Roberto Fiore (Secretary of 'Forza Nuova' - New Force).

Forza Nuova.

Roma, 27/10/2018. Today Members of the far-right/neo-fascist political party 'Forza Nuova' (New Force), held a demonstration at Porta Maggiore in Rome in response to the rape and murder of the 16-year-old Desiree Mariottini committed in San Lorenzo district Friday the 19th October.
In the meantime, ANPI (National Association of Italian Partizans), supported by other anti-fascist /...
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