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Professor Lord Anthony Giddens.<br />
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London, 31/10/2013. Today LSE (London School of Economics) presented a public lecture called "Turbulent and Mighty Continent: what future for Europe?" hosted by the author of the homonymous book, Professor Lord Anthony Giddens (British sociologist - who is known for his theory of structuration and his holistic view of modern societies - author, former Director of LSE and Emeritus Professor and member of the House of Lords). Chair of the event was Professor Craig Calhoun (Director of LSE).
Professor Lord Anthony Giddens.

London, 31/10/2013. Today LSE (London School of Economics) presented a public lecture called "Turbulent and Mighty Continent: what future for Europe?" hosted by the author of the homonymous book, Professor Lord Anthony Giddens (British sociologist - who is known for his theory of structuration and his holistic view of modern societies - author, former Director of LSE and Emeritus Professor and member of the House of Lords). Chair of the...
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