Domenico 'Mimmo' Lucano (Mayor of Riace).
Riace (Calabria, Italy), 04/08/2018. Visiting Riace for the third day of the "Riace in Festival", 'Festival delle Migrazioni e delle Culture Locali' (Festival of Migration and Local Cultures). Attending the festival, amongst others, were the Mayor of Napoli Luigi De Magistris and the Mayor of Barcelona Ada Colau, debating with the Mayor of Riace, Domenico 'Mimmo' Lucano, about the so called "migration crisis", as...
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Domenico 'Mimmo' Lucano (Mayor of Riace).
Riace (Calabria, Italy), 04/08/2018. Visiting Riace for the third day of the "Riace in Festival", 'Festival delle Migrazioni e delle Culture Locali' (Festival of Migration and Local Cultures). Attending the festival, amongst others, were the Mayor of Napoli Luigi De Magistris and the Mayor of Barcelona Ada Colau, debating with the Mayor of Riace, Domenico 'Mimmo' Lucano, about the so called "migration crisis", as well as the now famous "Modello Riace" (The Riace Model: how to welcome and work with Migrants to invest in building a future together). Other speakers included: Tiziana Barillà, Journalist at "il Salto" (1) and Author of the book "Mimi Capatosta. Mimmo Lucano e il modello Riace" (2), Magistrates Riccardo De Vito and Emilio Sirianni (in turn President and Member of Magistratura Democratica). Chair of the event was Ilaria Bonaccorsi, Historian & Journalist at "il Salto".
From the Festival website: "RIACE in FESTIVAL, is an event born in the wake of the policy of reception and resettlement of refugees and asylum seekers that the city administration of the "Riace Bronzes'" town has been implementing for years. [...] The festival aims to be a concrete initiative that, through the universal language of cinema and the arts, promotes the exchange and mutual knowledge to counteract forms of closure and racism, drawing attention to the innovative path that the municipal administration of Riace has started by combining the reception of migrants with the revival of its territory and giving the image of an unpublished Calabria, different from that of the black chronicle>>.
Riace is a small village in the province of Reggio Calabria. It's famous because on the 16 August 1972 Stefano Mariottini, a chemist from Rome, found two full-size Greek bronzes... (Riace Bronzes:
(For the full caption read the ARTICLE at the the beginning of this story)
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