The Queen - 2011
London, 22/11/2011. State Visit in the United Kingdom for the President of the Republic of Turkey Abdullah Gül and his wife Hayrünnisa Özyurt, as guests of Her Majesty the Queen. A limousine carries Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Phillip down the mall to meet their Turkish guests at Horse Parade. Later, the guests are escorted in Royal carriages up the mall to Buckingham Palace.
London, 22/11/2011. State Visit in the United Kingdom for the President of the Republic of Turkey Abdullah Gül and his wife Hayrünnisa Özyurt, as guests of Her Majesty the Queen. A limousine carries Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Phillip down the mall to meet their Turkish guests at Horse Parade. Later, the guests are escorted in Royal carriages up the mall to Buckingham Palace.
Copyright © Luca Neve 22/11/2011.All rights reserved. Moral rights asserted..