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Rome, Italy. 29th November, 2024. Grassroots Trade Unions - including SI Cobas, Sgb, CUB, CLAP, iOS Rete Intersindacale, Unione Sindacale Italiana, Lavoratori e Delegati ACI Informatica, Precarious workers, Students, Professors, Researchers, jobless People, Movements, Transfeminist Organizations, Cultural Workers, Members of Mi Riconosci?, Entertainment Workers, Alitalia Workers, BDS Activists, Pro Palestine and Pro Kurdistan activists, Citizens and Families with children - held their General Strike demo called “Against Social and Economic Policies of the Italian Government, General and Social Strike). <br />
The aims of the demos were to protest against the Law Decree 1236 (Law Decree 1660 / Decreti Sicurezza / Security Decree, 1.); against Giorgia Meloni’s right wing Italian Government annual badget (Legge di Bilancio / Manovra Finanziaria) and its economic and social policies; for the Public Healthcare and supporting the SSN; for public State Schools and Universities; to protest against the dramatic rise of energy bills, food costs, inflation; against precariousness, badly paid jobs, lack of jobs; in support and solidarity with the People of Gaza, Palestine and Lebanon, and to call for an immediate stop selling weapons and for Peace. The demo was patrolled by full riot gears police presence supplied with a water cannons, a helicopter and numerous police vans. The march, after demonstrating outside the Italian Ministry of Economy in Via XX Settembre, ended peacefully in Piazza Barberini.<br />
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Footnotes & Links:<br />
1. TESTO PDF<br />
(Former 1660)<br />
19.10.24 Fermiamoli Ora! – Grassroots Trade Unions, Movements, Citizens Against DDL 1660
Rome, Italy. 29th November, 2024. Grassroots Trade Unions - including SI Cobas, Sgb, CUB, CLAP, iOS Rete Intersindacale, Unione Sindacale Italiana, Lavoratori e Delegati ACI Informatica, Precarious workers, Students, Professors, Researchers, jobless People, Movements, Transfeminist Organizations, Cultural Workers, Members of Mi Riconosci?, Entertainment Workers, Alitalia Workers, BDS Activists, Pro Palestine and Pro Kurdistan activists, Citizens and Families with children - held their General...
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