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Other Paintings on the same subject.<br />
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Rome, Italy, 25th November, 2021. "Caravaggio and Artemisia: the Challenge of Judith. Violence and Seduction in 16th and 17th Century Painting", Art exhibition held at Palazzo Barberini from 26.11.2021 to 27.03.2022, organised by Barberini Corsini Gallerie Nazionali and curated by Maria Cristina Terzaghi, in collaboration with Ministero della Cultura (Italian Minister of Culture). From the Press Release: «The exhibition celebrates the fifty years since the acquisition by the Italian State and the seventies since the discovery of the famous painting by Caravaggio Giuditta beheading Holofernes. The painting, created in Rome at the beginning of the Seventeenth Century, is kept in Palazzo Barberini. A series of masterpieces from all over the world,  including the beautiful Judith and Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi [Capodimonte Museum, Naples], document the overwhelming novelty triggered by Caravaggio's work in contemporary painting» (1.).<br />
«[…] Mostra Caravaggio e Artemisia: la sfida di Giuditta. Violenza e seduzione nella pittura tra Cinquecento e Seicento a cura di Maria Cristina Terzaghi. Ospitata nelle nuove sale al pian terreno di Palazzo Barberini, la mostra celebra i cinquant'anni dall'acquisizione da parte dello Stato italiano e i settant'anni dalla scoperta del celebre dipinto di Caravaggio conservato a Palazzo Barberini: Giuditta e Oloferne. 29 capolavori provenienti dai musei di tutto il mondo, inclusa la straordinaria Giuditta e Oloferne di Artemisia Gentileschi del Museo di Capodimonte a Napoli, documentano la dirompente novità della rivoluzione caravaggesca nella pittura a lui contemporanea […]» (2.).<br />
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Footnotes & Links:<br />
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2.<br />
Caravaggio: (Source, ITA)<br />
(Source, ENG)<br />
Artemisia Gentileschi: (Source, ITA)<br />
(Source, ENG)
Other Paintings on the same subject.

Rome, Italy, 25th November, 2021. "Caravaggio and Artemisia: the Challenge of Judith. Violence and Seduction in 16th and 17th Century Painting", Art exhibition held at Palazzo Barberini from 26.11.2021 to 27.03.2022, organised by Barberini Corsini Gallerie Nazionali and curated by Maria Cristina Terzaghi, in collaboration with Ministero della Cultura (Italian Minister of Culture). From the Press Release: «The exhibition...
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