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Rome, Italy. 24th June, 2024. Today, members of Coordinamento Cittadino Lotta Per La Casa (Housing Rights Movement of Rome), Blocchi Precari Metropolitani, ASIA USB, students of OSA and Cambiare Rotta, citizens and migrant people, including families with children, held a demo (1.) outside the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament in Piazza Montecitorio. The aims of the demo were to protest against the Law Decree 1660 / New Decreti Sicurezza (Security Decree, 1.); against Giorgia Meloni’s right wing Italian Government, its scrap of the Reddito di Cittadinanza (Basic Citizenship Income); for the Public Healthcare and supporting the SSN; for public State Schools and Universities; to protest Minister Matteo Salvini’s plan to build 12-billion Ponte sullo Stretto di Messina (Strait of Messina Bridge); to protest against the dramatic rise of energy bills and food costs. The demo was patrolled by heavy full riot gears police presence, it ended peacefully.<br />
From the USB Trade Union website «[…] The Law Decree 1660 signed by the ministers Piantedosi, Nordio and Crosetto (Aka the new Security Decree) […] was born with the intention […] of filling a regulatory gap in the effective prevention of acts, sabotage and forms of conflict perceived as subversive. Important words are used to indicate types of crime ranging from the neologism of "terrorism of the word" to the crime against public safety (represented by the occupation of empty and unused buildings). Practically the device that will soon begin to be examined in the parliamentary chamber with a sentence ranging from two to six years for anyone who detains, or circulates, in both written and oral form, texts deemed capable of instigating the commission of acts or resistance involving offices, institutions, public services or public needs. All based on preventive dynamics of a possible crime that could be committed […]» (2.).<br />
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Rome, Italy. 24th June, 2024. Today, members of Coordinamento Cittadino Lotta Per La Casa (Housing Rights Movement of Rome), Blocchi Precari Metropolitani, ASIA USB, students of OSA and Cambiare Rotta, citizens and migrant people, including families with children, held a demo (1.) outside the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament in Piazza Montecitorio. The aims of the demo were to protest against the Law Decree 1660 / New Decreti Sicurezza (Security Decree, 1.); against Giorgia...
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