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Rome, 10/04/2020. On the evening of the Good Friday, Papa Francesco (Pope Francis, Jorge Mario Bergoglio) celebrated the Via Crucis (Way to the Cross: the final moments of the Passion, death and burial of Jesus Christ) in a spectral Saint Peter's Square where the path of the Cross was marked with burning torches located around the obelisk. These year, the traditional Via Crucis could not be held at the Colosseum, people were not allowed to attend it, and member of the press were kept really far from the event due to the spread of the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 - infection: COVID-19) which already killed more than 100,000 people globally.      <br />
«[…] For 2020, the meditations for the fourteen "Stations" along the Way of the Cross were prepared by the chaplaincy of the Due Palazzi House of Detention in the northern Italian city of Padua. Five prisoners, the family of a murder victim, the daughter of a man given a life sentence, the mother of another prisoner, a guard, and a priest who was convicted of a crime but eventually exonerated, were among those contributing their reflections on the Passion of the Lord, and how it bears on their own situations. […] With the path marked out by burning torches on the ground, the black Cross was carried around the obelisk at the centre of the Square, before coming to the door of the Basilica. The Cross was escorted by members of the Due Palazzi chaplaincy, and by members of the Health and Hygiene Directorate of the Vatican City State. […]» (1.).<br />
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Video of the event (Source,
Rome, 10/04/2020. On the evening of the Good Friday, Papa Francesco (Pope Francis, Jorge Mario Bergoglio) celebrated the Via Crucis (Way to the Cross: the final moments of the Passion, death and burial of Jesus Christ) in a spectral Saint Peter's Square where the path of the Cross was marked with burning torches located around the obelisk. These year, the traditional Via Crucis could not be held at the Colosseum, people were not allowed to attend it, and member of the press were kept really...
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